Thursday, November 21, 2019

Clasification of Penguin

Classification Of Penguin

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Image result for classificatsion of penguin

penguin usually live at a place with very cold weather and a place that have some water such as north pole, because they're eat fish that got from the water. Penguin including to Aves, but that make penguin different is they can't fly. Penguins lay eggs and the egg are incubating by male penguin. While they incubating they're egg, they still can walk but with the egg between they're legs.

While the male penguins incubating the egg, the female penguins will find some fish in the sea not too far from the place where they live. After the female penguins find some fish, they will back, and when they back, usually the eggs have hatched. The female penguin will give the fish to the male penguin mouth by mouth because they arms are short and it will be more simple when they give the fish trough they're mouth that long enough. penguins live in groups, so penguins always do activities in groups.

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