Monday, November 8, 2021

English Essay

Aurora Nurfitri Ayu (08) - XII MIPA 2

TOPIC : Whas Is Your Opnion of Cellphones ?  Are They Good or Bad? 

  Celphone is a mobile telephone or a handheld two-way Communication device that you can taik on over a cellular network.  Cellphone is a wireless telephone that permits telecommunication within a defined area that may incude hundreds of square miles, using radio waves in the 800 - 900 megahertz (MHz) band.  In this era, cell phones have been widely used by people.  Starting from adults to children who are still minors are now using cell phone.

  There are many advantages to using a cell phone, such as being easier to communicate with anyone and at any time (either phone or SMS), being able to easily take picture using a cellphone camera, then being able to calculate using the calculator in the cell phone, cell phone can also heip in emergency situation, cell phone Can illuminate in a dark place with a flashlight, and can also set a reminder alarm.  Then the Cell phone also makes it easier for us to access the intermet so that we can find locations, look for various information through internet searches, find out the weather or temperature, do online banking, find fun by playing online games or by using social media, and so on that are still related to an internet connection.

  In addition to the many advantages that can be obtained from using cellphones, there are also disanvantadges if you don't use your Cellphones wisely, such as accidents because using cellphones while driving, cyberbullying, addiction to playing cellphones, often being distracted because of cellphones, sleeping issues, health problems, and so on.

  In concussion, whether good or bad to use cellphones depends on the users.  If cell phone users can use it wisely, then there are many advantages that can be obtained.

Sunday, March 14, 2021

Pocedure Text

How To Simple Draw With Ibispaint

Aurora Nurfitri Ayu (08)

Sarah Adilla (32)

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

review of the film "Nicos Weg"

Deutsch Interaktiv | DW

One day Nico came from Spain to Germany to visit his aunt. However he lost his bag at the airport. Then he met Lisa and Emma who would help him find his bag. Nico felt sad because of the passport, and his phone was in the bag. Nico also doesn't speak German very well, he just know a little. Lisa also asked her Papa who is a police officer to help Nico find his bag. Since Nico's bag hasn't been found, Lisa and her friends offer Nico a temporary place to stay before they search for a place to stay for Nico. Finally there is a grandmother who has an empty place for Nico to live. Then Nico lived with the grandmother.

Various ways have been done to find Nico's bag but they have not been successful. Until finally, Lisa's friend said that she found Nico's bag. Lisa and Nico are here soon. Lisa's friend said that she found her by the side of the road. Nico immediately checked his bag, luckily the items were still there and only a few clothes were missing.

After that Nico also found his aunt's house and finally met his aunt. Also, Nico's coming to Germany has been a good experience for him, and also he can learn a lot of new vocabulary that he don't know.

This film is quite good because we can also feel what if foreigners come to Germany. From this film we can also learn German because the language used is not too complicated because it tells foreigners who can't speak German. we also learn culture in Germany through this film. The drawback of this film for me is because there are some strange scenes and has a very long duration, but this film teaches you to get acquainted. There are many lessons that we can take from this film. Very good.

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

My goal my ambition


Siluet with Aurora - ibisPaint

In the future I want to be an architect, and be a person who owns a shop. In my shop, I want to sell paintings that I created. I think I have a passion in fine arts and do have talent in that. I studied drawing activities since I was grade 5 elementary school. I learned a lot about proportions and shading in drawing. Although I prefer drawing models or drawing with human objects compared to scenary or graphic design, I want to expand my skills. I often practice drawing indefinitely. But I'm also actually lacking in coloring techniques, so I prefer to color digitally through the application. The digital drawing application that I often use is Medibang, but the Ibis Paint app is also very good for me. My ambition to be able to sell my drawing is quite large, I often set aside my pocket money to buy drawing tools such as brush pens, sketch books, pencils, erasers, drawing pens, and various markers. I also joined the extracurricular drawing when I was in elementary school and high school. I won a drawing competition in 10th grade in high school with my friend and I have also sold my work to some of my friends too.

Actually lately I thought that I wanted to become a YouTuber, and the content I wanted to show was singing. Because I like to cover songs. I've tried uploading a few videos.

 I also actually made a story on Wattpad. the story that I made is fiction and romance genre. I write an epicide usually for 3 hours and I can stay up late creating an episode if I make it on a school day. I also created a story outline that took a while, but it didn't matter because I created it in my spare time. my readers on wattpad are quite a lot. readers in my first story hit 9.3k.

You can check my Wattpad :

Thursday, July 16, 2020

English task : Make a dialogue about suggestion and offer

In a sunny day, SMAN 3 BANDUNG hold a new member recruitment extracurricular program for the freshman.

Jaehyun : Hi Jaemin! We meet again, nice to see you.
Jaemin : Hi Jaehyun, nice to see you too. We come to the same school again huh?
Jaehyun : Yeah, that's right.
Beno : Hey, you two! Want to join the soccerball club? It will be so much fun!
Jaemin : No, I really won't thank you.
Jaehyun : No, thanks.
Beno : Alright, if the you change your mind, you still can join the club.
Jaehyun : Thank you, seniors.

Jaemin : I'm confused about which extracurricular I want to join.
Jaehyun : How about we choose the extracurricular that fit to our hobby?
Jaemin : Oh, good. I like to play basketball, how about you Jaehyun?
Jaehyun : Same just like you, I like to play basketball too.
Jaemin : Wow that's good. Let's join the basketball club!
Jaehyun : Sound good to me. Let's go!

Then, Jaehyun and Jaemin come to the stan where basketball extracurriculars were recruiting new member.

Jeno : Hi! Would you like to join basketball club?
Jaemin : Thanks, I would.
Jaehyun : Yeah, thanks seniors, I would
Jeno : Good. Now, please write your short identity in here. I will invite you two to the group chat, we ussually use this to give more information about the club.
Jaehyun and Jaemin : Thank you so much seniors.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

English Task : Recount Text Bout 2002 Bali Bombings

2002 Bali Bombings

2002 Bali Bombings, terrorist attack involving the explosion of three bombs on the Indonesian island of Bali on October 12, 2002, that murdered 202 people. At 11:05 pm a suicide bomb blasted in Paddy’s Bar, a locale visited by foreigners. The bar’s customers, some of whom were injured by the explosion, evacuated into the street.

Within seconds, another, more powerful car bomb exploded in front of the Sari Club, near Paddy’s. A third bomb was blow up in front of the U.S. consulate on the island of Bali, however no one was injured in that outbreak. While the common of the injured were Australian (88), Indonesian (38), and Britons (28), people from at least 21 different countries were killed in the attack. A week later, Indonesian police arrested the first of more than 30 terrorists assumed of planning and executing the bombings.

The inquiry undertaken not only by the Indonesian authorities but also by Australian and British task forces—known the terrorist organization Jemaah Islamiyah (an Islamic group) as liable for the bombings. Jemaah Islamiyah was likewise related by the Indonesian ministry to al-Qaeda, the international terrorist network created by Osama bin Laden in the late 1960s with the goal of spreading fundamentalist Islamic precepts. The U.S. Department of State indicated Jemaah Islamiyah as a foreign terrorist organization. It actually burst onto the international terrorist scene only after the 2002 Bali bombings.

After a week, police arrested Muslim cleric Abu Bakar Bashir, the spiritual lead of Jemaah Islamiyah and one of its founders. More than 30 other people assumed of contributing in the Bali attacks were detained in the next months or years throughout Southeast Asia in a variety of ways, even in his arrest some were killed. One of them claimed that the attack was primarily as a religious guide.

Source :

This is the video bout this article :

Group Member :
Aurora Nurfitri Ayu (08)
Fikri Hamdani (15)
Ihsan Rafi Ghani (17)

Sandi Ramadhana N. (31)
Sarah Adila Aulia (32)