Friday, October 4, 2019



This event is intended for high school students 3 Bandung. this event serves to refresh, vacation for a moment, have fun with friends in a positive way. so that we don't stress with school lessons. So I want this event is more cheerfull and doesn't boring at all. I want to have a carpet in front of the stage, so we can just lay in the carpet. I want the situation is calm and conducive. I hope all of the student of SMA 3 Bandung can really enjoy the event. So, the field used for this event is extensive so that not to be crowded.

Then, we don't have to worried of hunger or thirst because there are a stand that selling many kind of food and drink. And there are one things that make us more happy, because the food and drink that sponsored this event let their product free for us!

In this event, there are three main winner that wearing the best clothes, an amazing clothes, and whose clothes best fit the theme. The prize is a product from the sponsored, so it will be very nice if we can win the prize. Also, for all of the committee will got the things from the sponsored. In the Fabber-Castle stand, there are a drawing competition. anyone can free to join, and  those who want to join, they don't have to panic because the tool is already prepared.

As you can see in the video to popshare this event, there are many guest that hired. Also there are a show from each of extracurricular SMA 3 Bandung. There are a webtoonist too! So, we can just learn from the master those who want. There are 2 toilets and 1 masjid, so we don't have to worried because this event will be held until 9 pm. You just have to spend 50k to buy a ticket. But, don't forget to wear clothes that fit for the dresscode, because if you don't you will never allowed to enter this event.

fyi, this event is not for others people that not the student of  SMA 3 Bandung, but, if there are alumni, they can enter this event. Items that should not be carried in not too much in, and those who want to carried an cosmetics are allowed and will not be seized. Items that not allowed is like various types of dangerous weapons. That's all for me, I hope this event is going smoothly. Thank you so much for listening, have a nice day!

source :,,,,,,,,,,,

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